Invisalign With Dental Crowns, Bridges, and Veneers

August 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — opensmilesdent @ 2:15 pm
Blurry green background of a woman with brown hair smiling while she holds a clear aligner tray in the foreground

Cosmetic dentistry has become increasingly popular over the past few decades as more people achieve their ideal smiles. Solutions like dental crowns, bridges, and veneers have helped millions restore their pearly whites to perfection. These services can be used to fill in gaps, cover chipped or damaged teeth, and hide any discoloration. They can even help teeth appear straighter, though they do not in fact reposition your teeth. Because of this, many patients wonder if they can begin orthodontic treatment, like Invisalign, to correct their teeth if they have had this kind of cosmetic or restorative work done. Keep reading to find out!

How is Invisalign Different Than Traditional Braces?

Whether to fix alignment issues or simply for visual preference, many who have already undergone certain dental procedures still want to have a straighter smile. Invisalign isn’t as visibly intrusive as traditional metal braces, and treatment doesn’t take as long, so it’s become a much sought-after solution.

Invisalign With Dental Crowns

Traditional braces are typically not a great fit for teeth that have a dental crown in place for a few reasons.

  • A certain amount of enamel has to be removed to place the dental crown. Your dentist needs to take this into account and be sure your teeth are strong enough to withstand the pressure for braces to be placed.
  • Brackets don’t adhere as well to dental crowns as natural tooth enamel and may fall off.

That makes Invisalign a particularly helpful alternative for straightening teeth with dental crowns. There are no brackets to attach, so there’s no need to worry about extra adhesives. The aligner trays can be placed over teeth with dental crowns just the same as natural teeth and be just as successful.

Invisalign With Dental Bridges and Veneers

Dental bridges also pose particular problems for traditional braces. Dental bridges attach to your teeth for stability. That means they can be damaged by the force required to move your pearly whites into their correct positions. Similarly, braces also don’t work well with veneers. The brackets don’t adhere well to the porcelain material and may even damage it.

In both cases, Invisalign is a helpful substitute. The clear aligner trays can still be placed over your teeth to gently move them into ideal placement yet.

Of course, every case is unique. Your dentist will be able to work with you to determine whether Invisalign is suitable for your situation or if you might require traditional orthodontics.

If you’re considering Invisalign but were afraid that your dental crown, bridge, or veneers would hinder treatment then set your concerns aside! You still can work with your dentist to have the perfectly straight smile you deserve.

About the Practice

At Open Smiles Dental, every patient’s needs, goals, and desires are considered when developing a treatment plan. Whether you require basic cleanings or more intense reconstructive work, you’ll receive expert care without any judgment. If you’re interested in Invisalign, feel free to request an appointment on the website or call (301) 843-0225.

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