Reasons to Start Invisalign This Summer

May 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — opensmilesdent @ 6:53 pm

Set of clear aligners on blue backgroundIf you missed your chance for braces as a teen, or your teeth have moved over time, make this summer one to remember by investing in Invisalign. Although any day is a good time to start your orthodontic journey, here are 3 reasons you should get started with Invisalign this summer.

How Does Invisalign Work?

You won’t have anxiety about any brackets or wires drawing unnecessary attention to your teeth when smiling for vacation photos or barbequing with friends. Invisalign uses a series of discreet aligners worn over your teeth to move them gradually. 

You must commit to wearing them for at least 22 hours per day and switching to the next set every 1 to 2 weeks, as instructed by your dentist. You’ll enjoy more freedom, better confidence, and added comfort when choosing the clear choice in orthodontics.

Benefits of Starting Invisalign Now

You don’t want to lose a second of summer sitting in a dentist’s chair, but it is time well-spent to help you achieve your best smile. Here’s why you should take a short break from soaking up the sun to improve your smile:

1. You Have More Time in Your Schedule

It can take a few appointments to get everything in place to begin wearing clear aligners. Not only will you need a consultation, but you might require a little prep work too, like a dental cleaning. 

Since life slows down during the summer, you’ll have more time in your schedule to accommodate a couple of dental appointments to get your aligners sooner.

2. You’ll Have More Time to Adjust

Advanced technology is used to ensure each aligner fits like a glove. They are smooth and sleek, so you won’t have to worry about any irritation to the inside of your lips or cheeks. However, it can take time to adjust to wearing them. You experience mild discomfort, and your words may sound slurred. 

Summer is a perfect time to get used to wearing your aligners without having to worry about getting kids to school or extracurricular activities. You’ll be home more to practice speaking clearly while waiting for any tenderness to subside.

3. One Step Closer to a Beautiful Smile

You won’t have to wait several years to reach your goals because clear aligners provide quicker results. Although every case and situation differs, most patients are finished with Invisalign in about 12 months. By this time next year, you can have a stunning, healthy smile that will be ready for summer.

About Dr. Jay Browne

Dr. Browne earned his dental degree at the University of Maryland Dental School and has regularly continued his education. He has over 40 years of experience creating healthy, beautiful smiles. If you’re ready to improve your smile for summer, request an appointment through our website or call (301) 690-8933.

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