4 Benefits of Receiving a Tooth Extraction

February 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — opensmilesdent @ 7:37 pm
a patient giving a thumbs up before their tooth extraction

If your dentist has recently informed you that you’re going to need to undergo a tooth extraction, you might already be feeling the panic starting to settle in. But you have absolutely nothing to fear or worry about at all; even though you’ll be parting with one (or sometimes more) of your pearly whites, the procedure is only performed when it’s necessary. Not only that, but your dentist will ensure that you’re totally comfortable throughout the process! Keep reading to learn a little more about some of the benefits of tooth extractions so that you can head into yours with the utmost confidence!

1. You’re Quickly Getting Much-Needed Relief

It’s pretty common for patients who need a tooth extraction to have complaints about dental pain upon arriving at their dentist’s office. Sometimes the cause of this pain is visibly obvious, like a lodged object or tooth decay, but other times the issue isn’t apparent. Underlying infection that has reached the tooth roots, impacted teeth, damaged teeth, and more can all be quite painful! In these cases, tooth extraction is usually the only way to begin easing the discomfort you’re feeling.

2. The Problem Is Being Eliminated

It should be noted that your dentist will only extract a tooth if there’s no other effective way of salvaging it. This is because your natural teeth are the best available tools at your disposal for biting and chewing! But an infection in the tooth can rapidly spread and cause widespread damage to your teeth and gums, and as it progresses, it becomes increasingly difficult and irreversible to treat—and sometimes, removing the tooth is the only way to halt the problem.

3. The Rest of Your Teeth Are Protected

It’s very possible for tooth decay or gum infection to spread from one tooth to other nearby teeth, and it’s often too late to reverse this once it starts happening! However, having the compromised tooth extracted can ensure that your surrounding teeth are protected from the very same problem. Losing only one tooth is preferable to losing several, after all.

4. It Paves the Way for a Beautiful Smile

There are all sorts of dental issues that have the potential to impact your smile’s appearance, and there are certain instances when having a tooth extracted is the only way to ensure that your smile is healthy and beautiful moving forward. Sometimes tooth extraction is the only way to free up space inside of a crowded mouth, which is why wisdom teeth are generally removed before they can cause problems.

In any case, knowing some of the specific and awesome benefits of tooth extraction might help to dispel any doubts or fears you have about the procedure. It’s difficult to part with one of your pearly whites, but when your whole smile is at stake, it becomes a serious matter!

About Open Smiles Dental

The team at Open Smiles Dental is thrilled to serve patients and families in the Waldorf, MA community under the leadership of Dr. Kolade Akinwande. They’re thrilled to offer a wide range of services including tooth extractions as well as tooth restoration options. If you have any questions about the article or would like to arrange a visit, feel free to contact the practice online or over the phone for additional assistance: (301) 843-0225.

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